Bullet Journal 04
Double sided silkscreen print on cartridge paper utilising Letraset text
This series uses proofing sheets created whilst printing the artist’s Talking Heads and Kaboom! Honiton series. The text is taken from entries in the bullet journal kept by the Artist in 2020/2021 during a tumultuous period discovering his Autistic identity
Double sided work
Silkscreen on cartridge
Size: 59.4cm x 84.1cm (A1 size)
Double sided silkscreen print on cartridge paper utilising Letraset text
This series uses proofing sheets created whilst printing the artist’s Talking Heads and Kaboom! Honiton series. The text is taken from entries in the bullet journal kept by the Artist in 2020/2021 during a tumultuous period discovering his Autistic identity
Double sided work
Silkscreen on cartridge
Size: 59.4cm x 84.1cm (A1 size)