Photograph of Artist R T Penwill's head in profile with studio blurred in background

r t Penwill

Born in Kent, south-east England in 1976, Ross took an early interest in art, inspired by his father, Roger - an architect turned professional cartoonist. However, it was the study of dance, followed by ice dance that was at the creative core of ross’s childhood, before switching focus to the visual arts at the age of 18, with a year-long art foundation course at the Kent Institute of Art and Design

Having gone on to complete a Fine Art: Printmaking degree in Cheltenham, ross took a job screen printing at a family-run fabric printing company near Evesham, Worcestershire. This was followed by a move to London, where he explored painting and latterly became involved in film making and scriptwriting, twice attending the Cannes film festival with his film production company

ross moved to south-west France in 2007, developing an interest in the design and construction of home interiors, which he developed further after returning to the UK in 2011, renovating his new home in honitoN in south-west England

SHORTLY after moving to the South-West, ross created his studio in the garden of his home where he lives with his partner and their two school-age childreN. Since then, all of ross’s creative output has been produced from his honiton studio.

Photograph of screen printing vacuum table in R T Penwill's studio