I am fortunate to have a friend, Dan at the gym who’s supportive of my work – it’s a boon to be regularly spurred on and have an opportunity to vocalise ideas, progress and intended trajectory as the vocalisation serves as an excellent calibration tool which often leads to sizeable adjustments which would likely otherwise elude me Dan is also brilliant at sending me links to art galleries who he thinks might be good for me to approach with my work and a short while back i was sent a link to one such gallery: hind street Gallery in Ottery St. Mary, devon (Uk)

HIND STREET Gallery is an enthusiastic supporter of local artists, with a particular focus on urban and street art and having made successful contact with the owner, Simon, AKA Mr.Sportivo,I arranged to visit the gallery with a selection of my framed works that I thought would make a good fit.

I don’t find conversation the easiest of tasks, however Simon was lovely, and very easy to talk to. An artist himself, HE was interested in my work and pleasingly enthusiastic about it and ultimately took on seven pieces for the GALLERY’S show which rAn until the end of the year

The gallery space has a warehouse-y look, suiting the urban vibe and IT WAS a joy to have my work on the walls amongst the other artists – Simon even put Maggie Joy in the window!

R T Penwill

UK Artist Printmaker R T Penwill
